Implementation of Web 3.0 blockchain

The implementation of Web 3.0 blockchain technology is gaining ground in the sports industry, including football, due to the visibility and potentially global reach that blockchain-based firms can achieve through sports-themed initiatives and collaborations. Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet that empowers the community through DAOs, and it presents a better experience and lasting relationships with supporters. Blockchain technology will create transparency, trust, and decentralization of power to enable the club's management process to be more participatory, efficient, and effective.

Team RADA is introducing Web 3.0 to club management, creating a remote community of fans that expands beyond geographical locations. The decision-making process will be democratized by creating a DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that is built on Ethereum smart contracts. The DAO will allow transparent and automated execution of hard-coded regulations, such as disbursing votes after a certain percentage of voters agree to fund a project. Our DAO will rely heavily on smart contracts, so creating appropriate logic and rules is critical before coding the smart contract.

The DAO governance involves addressing various aspects such as authority, inclusivity, speed, scalability, and economic interests to establish an efficient decision-making approach. RADA plans to introduce a token proposal that will be necessary for significant management decisions, such as player transfers and manager appointments, with the aim of avoiding irrelevant or impractical suggestions. Additionally, the DAO will designate expert advisors to offer a list of potential transfer targets.

In addition, NFTs, as intangible assets, can increase engagement between the sports entity and its supporters by creating a virtually unlimited range of products, including official replica shirts and football players or stadium cards. RADA, however, is taking a different approach to NFTs by creating tangible assets that will be sold as exclusive limited-edition physical merchandise.

In conclusion, RADA's implementation of Web 3.0 and blockchain technology in football club management will create a transparent, democratic, and efficient process that will increase trust and engagement between the club and its supporters.

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